The first stage of research has been placed on the History & Philosophy in Queensland website; as an experimental process of identifying a dozen influential Queensland thinkers among the most well-known and widely-representative groupings. This is a first run. This project will end up with hundreds of Queensland intellectuals and thinkers listed and examined; so please be patient.
To go directly to The First Representative Dozen
To go directly to the 1st Run Scatterplot Matrix
To go directly to the the explanation of the Scatterplot Matrix
Please complete the poll below, which allows multiple answers and comments.

26 September 2014
Neville Buch, MPHA (Qld)
Ph.D., Grad. Dip. Ed. UQ
Grad. Dip. Arts. (Philosophy), Melbourne
Cultural Sensitivity Warning: This website contains images of deceased persons, including those of indigenous heritage
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